Ball release, control and power in padel rackets

To talk of padel rackets is to talk of ball release, power and control. But…do you know the difference between those three terms? The problem is that many times people don’t know what they signify in terms of play or simply they have the wrong concept. At StarVie, we have defined those three terms so that you can have a clearer idea of what each one signifies and what a racket with those characteristics means to your game.

Ball Release of starvie padel rackets


Ball Release

This is the ease with which the ball leaves the racket after impact. For example, for the best absorption of the ball (the ball sinking into the surface of the racket), soft density rubber offers the best ‘sensation’ of speed and comfort on impact.

The rackets with soft rubber and therefore increased ball release are advantageous for long shots to the baseline as well as lobs and backwall boasts.

So, to reaffirm, the softer the rubber of the racket, the better the ball release will be. If you consider that an essential characteristic for your game then you should look for a racket with soft density rubber.


The power of the racket depends on the amount of energy applied. It is linked to the strength you put into each shot and this is directly related to your physical form and technique.

If you take the hard density rubber (PRO 50), with more rigid materials, more flexibility in the structure and with roughness on the surface of the racket, then the less energy will be absorped by the racket upon contact with the ball and therefore you will have more power in the shot.

These type of rackets are advantageous for more aggressive shots such as smashes and volleys.

So, to conclude, the harder the racket, the less the ball sinks into the surface of the racket and therefore you have a more powerful shot.

power of starvie padel rackets


Lastly, the control is the capacity to direct the ball and how hard you want to hit it.

Even though the feeling maybe be the opposite, you would have more control with a racket with hard density rubber (PRO 50), high rigidity in the materials, flexibility in the structure and a rough surface on the racket face.

The same as in the case of the rackets for power, you will obtain the best control with a hard, more rigid racket as the ball does not ‘sink’ into the racket surface.


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