Want to know the most common injuries in padel?

Today we are speaking about the two main injuries in the sport of padel, lateral epicondylitis, also known as ‘tennis elbow’ and medial epicondylitis or ‘Golfer’s elbow’. 28% of amateur players and professionals suffer these injuries  at some point according to data collected by our collaborating physiotherapist, J.Cuenca Clinic.

Here we tell you what the most common causes are and how to prevent these injuries, plus what treatments are best should you suffer from them. Take note!

What are the most common causes of lateral and medial epicondylitis?

epicondylitis and medial epicondylitis or ‘Golfer’s elbow’The injuries of lateral and medial epicondylitis are caused by micro-lesions at the insertion points of the forearm tendons, due to excessive strain of the muscles in the forearm. The body goes into repair mode, producing new tissue to repair the tendon and sometimes small calcifications can form which reduce the flexibility of the tendon and cause pain upon muscle contraction. Lateral epicondylitis is most frequently from mis-hitting backhand strokes, where you extend the forearm and bend the wrist and whilst playing the stroke the force of the flexors puts a lot of strain on the extensors. As for medial epicondylitis, this is more frequently caused by serving when the flexors receive the full force of the impact from the serve.

In both cases, the most common reason is the overexertion of the forearm muscles which comes from instability in the shoulder because of muscle weakness or spasms.

The pain is sharp in the initial stages of the injury, then it becomes a more diffused, dull ache.

How to prevent these types of injuries

The first step to avoiding these types of injuries is to chose the correct racket for you, the one best adapted for your physicality and technical level. Having a racket that is too heavy can lead to gripping too hard which in turn leads to tension in the elbow.

It is important also to learn good techniques when it comes to holding the racket and striking the ball, this minimises the risk of injury considerably. Finally at the first signs of discomfort, consult a physio for a diagnosis and possible treatment, some strengthening exercises for the elbow maybe necessary.

What treatment is advisable?

Stretches from the neck to the forearm as well as isometric and excentric exercises are beneficial as well as massage therapy to relax and loosen the muscles affected. In addition to free up the articulations cryotherapy and dry needling.

Total rest isn’t strictly necessary, only if the activity aggrevates the area, as the tendons require a certain degree of tension in order not to loose their strength and to reduce the strain.

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